IMST GmbH (IMST) is the leader of the WP2.
The leader of the IMST team is Dr. Simona BRUNI. Dr. Enrico TOLIN co-supervises DC4 and Dr. Marta ARIAS CAMPO co-supervises DC5. Dr. Winfried SIMON will organize the training event S2.
IMST is involved in the WP2 with the co-supervision of DC4 together with POLITO and with the co-supervision of DC5 together with SU.
IMST GmbH is a leader in R&D of new products for mobile communications, integrated circuits, RF-circuits and active antenna technology with over 25 years of experience. The company supports the whole design process, from ideas for new products, up to their final implementation, qualification, and manufacturing support. Multiband, agile antennas, RF components and base-band processing are the key areas of interest of IMST for all types of wireless and mobile communication applications. IMST and its engineering staff are members of several national and international bodies and interest groups (IEEE, VDE-ITG, EurAAP), and has a long and successful history with FP5, FP6, FP7, H2020, ESA and German public funded projects.
A large part of IMST’s revenues come through development and (rapid) prototyping of complex (wireless) RF systems for various customers and different applications. Public funded projects serve to keep up with the rapid technological development, and, very important, to be highly innovative, especially in areas where industry is not willing to invest but expects high-tech off-the-shelf solutions that are at the same time cost-effective.
IMST maintains well-equipped laboratories for assembling and testing high-frequency circuits, wireless modules communications systems, including RF measurement equipment and facilities (anechoic chambers). They include both development facilities and an accredited testing centre, capable of providing all the facilities necessary for the successful execution of the project work.